already mentioned Eppicard at the outset, that the function of the press one of
which is to meet the information needs of the community.But
the real function of the press is not just that, but there are many
other functions that among which (Wisdom Kusumaningrat and Purnama
Kusumaningrat, 2005: 27-29): 1.Fungsi informative, ie provide
information, or news, to the general public in an orderly way.2.Fungsi control, namely that the press investigating a government job or company.In this function the press must declare what is going well and not going well so what is reported into cover both side.3.Fungsi interpretive and directive, namely to provide interpretation and guidance.4.Fungsi entertaining, namely membritakan story funny or fun events to note though is not too important.5.Fungsi
regenerative, which tells how something was done in the past, how the
world is run now, how something is accomplished, and what is considered
the world is right or wrong.6.Fungsi guard the rights of citizens, namely guarding and securing personal rights.7.Fungsi economy, that is to gtefcu serve the economic system through advertising.8.Fungsi
self, namely that the press has a duty to cultivate their own abilities
so that he can free himself from the influences and pressures in the
financial field.In
addition, the press also has other functions that are not less
important, among other things: 1.Fungsi educate, namely that the press a
little more give messages about education.2.Fungsi
persuaded, that the press has the power to persuade or seduce
listeners, viewers, or pmbicaranya (Wiryawan Day, 2007: 61)